Monday, August 9, 2010

Email #2 to the Nons: It's Official

Tuesday, July 27 -
I'm trying not to freak out, but here's where it stands now. Doctor called this afternoon and said it was, indeed, cancer. It is a "high grade" tumor, which means it's fast growing and aggressive. They are not wasting any time on this, thank God. I go for a breast MRI tomorrow morning and then will see Dr. Cross next Tuesday. Dr. Grear (who called today) said with this type of tumor they may choose to wait on surgery and go ahead with chemo, in order to shrink the tumor and hopefully kill any other cancer that is loose in my body. Now we need to be praying that it has NOT SPREAD, which is what this kind of tumor does, apparently. I am trying to stay calm and keep positive. I still cannot really believe this is happening and keep waiting for someone to wake me up.

Love to you all,

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