Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick Update on Scans

CT scans on Tuesday went just fine, and, due to me nagging them yesterday about my mysterious hip pain, I found out the scans came out great! No evidence of malignancy. So yippee to that one! That means lungs, liver, and all my girl parts look fine! Hot diggity!

However, the CTs don't give enough bone info, and thus do not explain my hip pain, so they scheduled me to come in for MRIs today. I will have one of my pelvis and one of my lower back...each takes "about an hour". Looks like I'll be immobile and horizontal for a good portion of this beautiful pre-spring day.

Not sure when I'll get results, but will let ya'll know asap.


  1. Glad things went well! I'll be praying about those MRIs. Blessings!

  2. Yeah for the other good reports. Now let's see one on your MRI tomorrow. I am glad they were able to get you in so you can rule out anything!
