Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Surgery, Sick Leave, and Peace, Perfect Peace

Is it just me, or did these last two weeks go by way too fast?  The time has really come.  My surgery is tomorrow and so is the beginning of the longest sick leave in the history of Patti. 

I worked late tonight, prepping for tomorrow's sub at Walker.  It was so weird leaving that building, my home away from home, and knowing I won't be back to teach my kiddos until January.  If this were June and the last day of school, I'd be skipping right out of there and not looking back.  Yippee!  Summer!  But this time away from school is certainly not summer and the school year will be going on without me. How is that possible?  I do NOT like that idea. 

I AM, however, ready to get this show on the road and ready to get this major hurdle behind me.  I have a great peace about this whole thing. People keep asking me if I am scared or nervous and the answer is no.   I feel no fear or unease, only calm and peacefulness and knowledge and confidence that, not only am I going to win this battle, but I am not alone.  I know that everything is going to be just fine. The peace that passes understanding is a wonderful thing.

Much of that peace stems from the fact that so many of you have been praying for it.  To add to that, David and I met with our church elders last night.  That was an amazing and very comforting experience in itself.  One by one, each elder annointed me with oil and prayed for healing and comfort and peace.  I highly recommend this experience if you ever reach a crisis point in your life.  Amazing and humbling.

So, yes, I most definitely am feeling that peace tonight.  Even though I will miss my multitude of students, my two classrooms and my fellow teachers terribly, I know that all is well.  And this time tomorrow all will be even more well.  Surgery, here I come.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

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